In a recent statement, Afia Schwarzenegger, also known as Bara, has responded to rumors surrounding her husband’s profession, allegedly being an Uber driver in the United States. Dismissing the speculation, Schwar emphasized that Ghanaians often engage in discussions about topics they are not well-informed about.
In her effort to counter the accusation, Afia disclosed that her husband works as a security officer or a watchman, refuting claims of him being an Uber driver. However, she later humorously admitted to his Uber driving role, sarcastically remarking on her lack of choice in the matter.
Afia then cited the purported yearly earnings of Uber drivers in the U.S, suggesting they are financially well-off. Her response comes amidst social media criticism targeting her husband’s alleged occupation as an Uber driver.
Recently, a paparazzi divulged Afia and her husband’s address in Bronx, insinuating her husband’s profession as an Uber driver. This act sparked online mockery towards Afia, orchestrated by the paparazzi’s intentional setup.